On December 2, Girls’ Generation Taeyeon’s Chinese fan club, Baidu KimTaeyeon Bar, sent protest trucks to the SM Entertainment building.
[SM 트럭 시위] 10시~18시
SM이 태연에 대한 대우가 어떤지 다 보이실텐데 참고 양보한다고 해서 일이 잘 풀리지 않습니다. 효과가 미미할지라도 저희의 태도를 표명하고 싶습니다. 태연은 항상 뒷전으로 홀대하는 SM1센터 언제까지 태연 방치 할꺼야?@TAEYEONsmtown @SMTOWNGLOBAL@GirlsGeneration pic.twitter.com/Fv2jGtOpbC— Baidu Kimtaeyeon Bar (@kimtaeyeonbar) December 2, 2024
“[SM Truck Protest] 10AM-6PM
We are sure you can see how SM treats Taeyeon, and we don’t think it will get resolved by being patient and giving in. Even if the effects are minimal, we want to express our position. To SM 1 Center, who keeps putting Taeyon on the back burner, how long will you neglect her?”
— Baidu KimTaeyeon Bar
They also posted the messages used for the protest trucks.
“Only three live clips as promotions, two of them being delayed for ridiculous reasons. Did Jo Woo Chul and Choi Sung Woo direct everyone to put Taeyeon on the back burner? It hasn’t even been a year since they apologized, and they’ve forgotten what they said. Jo Woo Chul, Choi Sung Woo, what’s with your endurance? We’re not saying you need to push as much as the main teams. But you should be able to ensure basic operation and promotions.
So many staff are under 1 center, but no one works for Taeyeon. Before you care for other center artists, take care of your singer first! How long are you going to neglect Taeyeon? It shows that you are only using cost-effective promotions for Taeyeon. Don’t act like you are making an effort and invest money. Don’t think about doing the bare minimum for Taeyeon’s 10th solo anniversary next year and start preparing for it now!”
— Baidu KimTaeyeon Bar
“Pretending like her promotions were three weeks when it was only eight days. No promotions until three days before comeback day. A company that takes a week off only when it’s Taeyeon’s promotions. Her album is becoming more expensive, even though the album itself is thin. They spend the least amount of time on the specs, concept, and design for her album. She doesn’t even have the Dolby sound when other artists have had it since 2022. Discrimination even with the most basic elements.”
— Baidu KimTaeyeon Bar
They also added more photos of the protest on the official X account.
SM 직원들이 나와서 사진 찍었다고 합니다. @TAEYEONsmtown @SMTOWNGLOBAL@GirlsGeneration pic.twitter.com/5zCT85xFr9
— Baidu Kimtaeyeon Bar (@kimtaeyeonbar) December 2, 2024
SM employees have come outside to take photos of the truck.
— Baidu KimTaeyeon Bar
Korean netizens agreed that Taeyeon fans had good reason to send a protest truck.

- “Well said.”
- “SM is getting much heat today. Why can’t they do things right? Who asked for them to be promoted like rookies? They are just asking for the basics.”
- “They have a right to be angry. At least do the bare minimum.”
- “Everything they said is right.”
- “They have every right to be mad. The only thing they post is live clips. The stats now are possible because it’s Taeyeon. And the album keeps getting more expensive, but the album is so thin. Especially the QR album. The music video quality was good until INVU, but starting from To.X it was back to…it’s always so dark.”

- “Things are bad over here too it seems.”
- “It looks like Taeyeon fans have the right to be mad this time…”
- “The wording is really strong. I can understand what they mean by they did this because they support her. That just means they are going to be that mad about it.”
- “Honestly, everything they say is right.”
- “They are so mad.”
- “I can understand why Taeyeon fans are mad.”
- “What other artists are under this center?”
- “They have good reason to send the trucks. I’m stanning a group in another center, and seeing all this shocked me.”
- “If they don’t get things straight even after this, I’m going to lose it.”
Meanwhile, NCT 127 fans also sent protest wreaths and trucks today regarding venue selection.
Fans Send Wreaths Protesting Venues Selected For NCT 127’s Japanese Tour
Source: theqoo