Actress Moon Ga Young (also known as Mun Ka Young) wowed her fans with her latest Instagram update from the beautiful streets of Italy. As a global brand ambassador for Dolce & Gabbana, Moon is in Milan to attend the brand’s event on September 21, 2024, at the Milan Fashion Week Gala (S/S 25).
There, the actress rocked a chic see-through blouse paired with a black bra…
…along with black pants that highlighted her slender figure. Adding a bit of fun with red socks and polka-dot flats, Moon completed an outfit to be remembered!
This is not the first time Moon pulled off a bold look, though her previous one received some harsh reactions from netizens. Read more about her Milan Fashion Week outfit here:
Actress Moon Ga Young’s “Ill-Fitting” Fashion Show Look Gets Harsh Reactions From Netizens
Source: ChosunBiz