An alleged victim of school bullying, as gruesome as the kind portrayed in the Netflix K-Drama The Glory, has shared multiple posts calling out the bullies via a US-based online community for Korean Americans.

The posts, originally on MissyUSA and now spreading across Korea-based online communities like Nate Pann and theqoo as well, revealed that the alleged victim has tried to take their own life multiple times before deciding to expose their bullies and seek closure instead.
At first, the alleged victim requested formal video apologies from their five bullies. Then, in the following updates, the alleged victim shared details about how they endured lifelong injuries like a deviated nasal septum and damaged vision from getting beaten up with a tennis racquet regularly.
According to the updates, the five bullies began harassing the alleged victim, forcing them to bow their head when greeting the bullies. At one point, which the alleged victim refers to as the “Graduation Party Incident,” the bullies even kidnapped and confined the alleged victim in a townhouse garage, beating them up for hours and then abandoning them on the side of the street.

The updates eventually revealed the names and yearbook photos of five women from Torrance West High School Class of 1996 accused of being bullies. Several alumni from Torrance West High School have since commented on how notorious these five bullies were, lending credibility to the unbelievable tale told by the alleged victim.

Oh, what is this post?! I clearly haven’t been online in a while… I went to the same school in the late 90s. All of this is true. The women named in this post and their friends were known bullies. I’m going to have to look up the updates and read it through. At the time, [Woman A] was the most notorious. I don’t live in Torrance now, but I did stop by the H Mart in Torrance once. And when I saw that [Woman A] was working as a realtor in Torrance, I thought that was shameless of her.
Edit: It has been over 25 years, but I remember how those women would pick on other female Korean students who spoke Korean. They would demand to be greeted and they would get so aggressive. Whenever I saw them on campus, I tried to avoid them. [Woman A, B, and C]… It’s been a while since I heard those names. I remember [Woman B] would always death glare the other girls and curse them out, too. But [Woman A] was definitely like Yeon Jin. The rest were like Yeon Jin’s friends. [Woman A] was the main bully. There were times when I wondered about those women. Later on, I heard [Woman A] got divorced… But I’m surprised to find out that the other women did OK for themselves.
— MissyUSA Comment
Shocked and disgusted, members of the Korean American community in Torrance, California and around Southern California have joined forces to identify all five named—and are now rallying for the alleged victim by trying to hold the five women responsible.
Source: MissyCoupons and theqoo