In the early hours of August 25, a horrifying incident occurred in Goyang City, Gyeonggi Province, where a man in his 30s, identified as Mr. A, viciously attacked the parents of his former girlfriend with a knife.
The man is also believed to be a soldier.
The assault took place at approximately 3:40 AM in the victims’ apartment. The victims — a man and woman both in their 60s — sustained injuries but were promptly taken to the hospital. Thankfully, their lives are not at risk.
It was later revealed the two injured were the parents of the assaulter’s ex-girlfriend. This has increased suspicions of the stabbing being some sort of revenge crime.
After the attack, Mr. A fled the scene and drove towards Gangwon Province. Police quickly initiated a pursuit but were only able to capture and arrest the assaulted after a tense two-hour chase on a highway.
The authorities have handed Mr. A over to the military police and are currently investigating the motive behind the violent attack. Further details on the incident are expected as the investigation continues.
Source: Wikitree