BTS‘s Jin recently proved his loyalty by going back to visit his military squad juniors. The star was discharged from national service on June 12, 2024.
His ceremony was a bittersweet one. Most of his squadrant ended up crying! He was seen hugging and comforting his juniors, even holding back a few of his own tears.
On August 22, 2024, fans were given a surprise when his squadrant-mates posted on Instagram. It turned out that he had gone back to visit them specially. They even praised him for keeping his promise.

I missed you. Oh my god…
— Squadrant-mate
They didn’t expect him to actually come to visit.

I didn’t know that you really meant it when you said that you would come back to see us after you get discharged.
— Squadrant-mate
It is known to be difficult for soldiers to go back to visit their squadrant, even when they are non-celebrities. Many soldiers end up getting PTSD due to their suffering in the military, and find it hard to go back. Even if they did not experience hardship, most bases are far from the city, leading to a hassle. Jin truly proved his loyalty and kind personality!
Source: theqoo