SEVENTEEN‘s Woozi recently danced to NewJeans‘ “How Sweet” during 2024’s CARATLAND.
240727 seventeen tiktok update #우지
woozi dancing how sweet by newjeans!
(@woozimedia) July 27, 2024
He pulled off the dance perfectly, gaining the nickname of “NewJeans’ Hoonni,” a wordplay on his real name Ji Hoon, with Hanni‘s name. Woozi also seemed to spoil his cover right before the event, when he used Hanni’s signature catchphrase on Weverse. His username was also “NewWoozi!”
Ready to for go Carat’s Love!
— Woozi
Hanni once made an adorable mistake with Korean, saying “ready to for go” rather than “ready to go for.” This became her signature catchphrase that many fans copied.
After the event, Hanni caught wind of the news of Woozi’s cover. She praised him through Phoning.
- How did ‘ready to for go’ reach sunbaenim too?
- Hing, what should.I do?
- Woozi sunbaenim! Hehe, I saw your cover of “How Sweet!!”
- NewJeans’ Hoonni hehehe.
- Hehehe, it’s similar to my name.
- Seems like there was another NewJeans member that I didn’t know of hehe.
- LOL.
Hanni also recommended one of SEVENTEEN’s songs in return. She recommended “Dawn Is Hotter Than Day” for fans to listen to on balmy, warm summer nights. Take a listen to her recommendation below!