Recently, Super Junior D&E (Donghae and Eunhyuk) faced accusations of misogyny regarding their upcoming comeback.

The duo is set to release their newest album on March 26 and shared an album tracklist that revealed the title track was “Jijibae (GGB).” Korean fans explained that the word has misogynistic connotations and that “modern women are adverse” to being called it, especially by men.

해외팬분들 질문이 몇개 와서 그냥 다른분께 답변드린 거 퍼블트로 복사해놓습니다.
타이틀곡 제목이 여자를 낮춰 부를 때 쓰는 단어입니다. 완전히 욕은 아니고, 현재도 같은 여성 친구들 사이나 모녀지간에서는 장난스레 사용되는 경우도 있지만,
— 단달 (@hyuk_right) March 14, 2024
A few questions have come from international fans, so I’m just pasting what I already replied to a few people here. The title of the song is a phrase used to when calling a woman, but it is a derogatory one. It is not completely a curse word, and there are instances where it it used amongst girls themselves or mother-daughters in a joking way, but it is similar as to when some words can be used jokingly amongst the same race, but is considered racist for others to use. [Jijibae (GGB)] is a word that modern women are averse to, and it is especially unpleasant when it is used by a man. 10 to 15 years ago, it was more commonly used with the meaning of “bad woman,” and I think that maybe D&E also used it with such intention, but that is an outdated and old way of thinking for sure. I don’t know if my tweet will be translated well [using a translator] but I hope that you guys take note.
— hyuk_right
On March 16, Super Junior D&E released a statement addressing fans’ concerns with the title.
In the message, the duo shared that the title was not intended to have the negative connotations that were associated with the word, and apologized for not considering the possible meaning. However, due to the timing in the production cycle, they are unable to change the title, but stated they would cancel all of their music broadcast activities after the album’s release.
“Hello. This is ODE Entertainment.
First of all, we would like to express our gratitude to all the fans who have loved and supported Super Junior-D&E for so long.
We have acknowledged the issues and opinions on the album’s title track ‘Jijibae(GGB)’ and had discussions internally with the artists.
The song ‘Jijibae(GGB)’ expresses the longing for a past lover with cute lyrics like ‘Too pretty GGB’, ‘The rainbow we used to see together’, portraying a more friendly relationship. There was absolutely no intention to use this word in a negative sense, as your concerns have been expressed.
However, we regret that we did not more carefully consider in advance about the various opinions regarding the meanings and possible discomfort surrounding this word.
We have discussed various options, but since almost the entire album production has already been completed, there are limitations to making changes.
Therefore, after considering opinions from the artists and the company internally, we have decided to cancel all planned music show activities after the release.
However, we still plan to release many content that we have worked hard to prepare as we want to show many things to our fans.
We ask for your understanding.
We apologize to the fans who have been eagerly awaiting this comeback with excitement.
And once again, we sincerely thank all the fans who always support us deeply.
Thank you.”
— ODE Entertainment
Fans reacted with disappointment to the statement, specifically the canceled music show appearances. While they were grateful the issues were acknowledged, most wondered if it could have been done in another way, like changing the lyrics.
이렇게라도 입장문내니 다행이라는 생각도있고 조금 더 신중했었으면 하고
다른곡으로라도 음방 했으면 좋겠고 그냥 댸니가 오늘 편히 쉬고 내일하루 아무생각없이 잘 먹고 잘 쉬면 좋겠다
이런일로 너무 많이 욕먹었네 솔직히 사람마다 다르다지만 난 별로 기분안나빴는데 친구들끼리 자주쓰는말이라— 천유 (@hieh0917) March 16, 2024
I’m glad they released a statement like this, and I wish they had been a bit more careful. I hoped they could have performed on music shows with a different song. I just hope you can take it easy today and tomorrow, without any worries, and have a good rest. We’ve received too much criticism for this. Honestly, it may vary from person to person, but I didn’t feel too good about it. It’s just something friends often say to each other.
— Fan
대신 다른 곡으로 음방 돌면 안되나요 ㅠㅠ 그래도 음방이 아예 없는건 너무 슬픈데…
— 파란불 (@blue_flame_elf) March 16, 2024
Is it not possible to perform on music shows with a different song instead? 😭 It’s just too sad that there won’t be any music show appearances at all…
— Fan
Please give us live performances on music programs. We prepared ourselves quite a bit so that now there is nothing. It’s unfair to D&E and to us fans.
Keep all the activities if it’s not with this song, then with another song.
— HyukJae 🐰| D&E Show (@Hae86Hyuk) March 16, 2024
🙁 I didn’t know it was the tt. the money they must have just lost from buying airtime and stylists makeup hair choreo backup dancers &staffs. plus time wasted to perfect everything!
omg i’m so upset for them.
c-side is heckin pissed, i see. that’s a sight not often seen.— Rae💙💎🌌 (@Xiahnti) March 16, 2024