A promising K-Drama with a talented cast has become a disappointment, according to viewers who are struggling to finish the series. Kim Myung Soo (INFINITE‘s L) and Lee Yoo Young | KBS Kim Myung Soo (INFINITE‘s L) and Lee Yoo Young star in Dare to Love Me, a webtoon-turned-series. | KBS It follows an aspiring webtoon writer (Kim Myung Soo), who lives like […]
“Frustrating” K-Drama Loses Viewers Despite Its Star-Studded Cast
We’ve all watched K-Dramas that started strong but fell flat by the end. Now, an anticipated K-Drama has unfortunately become just that. On May 1, JTBC‘s romantic-comedy Frankly Speaking (also known as No Secret) premiered. The K-Drama, which is also available via Netflix internationally, stars Go Kyung Pyo (also romanized as Ko Kyung Pyo), Kang […]
Netflix’s New “Dancing For The Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult” Docuseries Sickens Viewers
The spiritual sequel to Netflix‘s In The Name of God: A Holy Betrayal docuseries, Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult, is leaving a lasting impression on viewers. | Netflix Like In the Name of God, Dancing for the Devil exposes an alleged cult leader through the brave people who are speaking out against him. […]
7 K-Dramas That Viewers Regret Watching To The Last Episode In May
Since watching K-dramas can take hours of your time, most will hope that it is at least worth it. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, as several Reddit users stated when asked what K-dramas they regretted watching to the end in May. Here are 7 of them. 1. My Demon My Demon told the […]
Model-Turned-Actor’s Unrecognizable Transformation Between K-Drama Roles Stuns Viewers
In JTBC‘s weekend K-Drama, The Atypical Family, also showing on Netflix, actor Roy (also known as Choi Gwang Rok) plays “Uncle” No Hyung Tae… Actor Roy | JTBC …a mysterious man of tough exterior with a sprinkle of softness. His looks, alongside his build and his talent, have effortlessly charmed the viewers. But not many realize […]