Actress Yoo In Na recently shared an intriguing story about how she became the face of an online scam in her past. Yoo In N On December 10, Yoo posted a video on her YouTube channel where she interviewed actor Park Jung Min. During their conversation, the actress brought up an anecdote from her early […]
Popular American YouTuber Unexpectedly Mentions Stray Kids… Without Even Realizing It
Dylan Matthews (best known for his YouTube channels Dylan Is In Trouble and Ooga Booga) recently posted a new “Watching Trailers and Guessing Review Scores” video. Before filming the video, he had his subscribers submit via three forms: one for trailer suggestions, one for their deep, dark secrets, and one seeking advice. If Dylan is […]
Stray Kids’ Changbin Is Going Viral For His Reaction After Realizing He Was Doing “Aegyo” At The “2024 MET Gala”
When it comes to aegyo and being cute, Stray Kids‘ Changbin is definitely a star. It seems like his automatic cuteness happened at the most unexpected event, and his reaction to realizing it is going viral. Stray Kids’ Changbin | @realstraykids/Instagram On May 6 (local time), Stray Kids attended the prestigious MET Gala. [Video could not be […]
Netizens Change Opinion About RIIZE’s Anton After Realizing Their Misunderstanding
It has not been a quiet week for RIIZE’s Anton. Between March 11 to 13, 2024, he was embroiled in a dating controversy. Fans had found a photo of him holding hands with a girl, and immediately accused him of hiding a girlfriend. After the girl in the photo stepped up to deny it, he […]