Telegram has quietly updated its policy to allow users to report private chats to its moderators following the arrest of founder Pavel Durov in France over “crimes committed by third parties” on the platform. The messaging app, which serves nearly 1 billion monthly active users, has long maintained a reputation for minimal supervision of user […]
NEA quietly reenters the secondaries market
New Enterprise Associates (NEA) is getting back into the secondaries game. The Silicon Valley-based VC raised more than $ 468 million for NEA Secondary Opportunity Fund, according to an SEC filing. The fundraise closed on July 3, according to a source familiar with the matter, but hasn’t received much attention. The fund raised capital from […]
The VC quietly nabbing prized SF property is planning a ‘Y Combinator for restaurants’
Neil Mehta, the VC behind the acquisition of a string of properties on San Francisco’s tony Fillmore Street, made waves earlier this week for reportedly throwing long-established local restaurants to the curb to bring in more high-end retailers. The San Francisco Chronicle talked, for example, to the owner of Ten-Ichi, a neighborhood sushi restaurant for […]
Score, the dating app for people with good to excellent credit, quietly shuts down
Score, the dating app for people with good to excellent credit, shut down in early August, the company confirmed to TechCrunch. Score was only supposed to be a pop-up app, as TechCrunch previously reported, and was only supposed to be around for 90 days. This was back in February. But it received so much user […] boosts valuation to $1.5B after quietly raising another $75M
Location data, for better or worse, continues to be a part of the bedrock of how apps are built. Now a startup developing AI market research based on that location data,, has quietly raised $ 75 million at an expanded valuation of nearly $ 1.5 billion, TechCrunch has learned. The startup provides a wide […]