The highly anticipated Netflix K-Drama Hierarchy premiered on June 7 with all seven episodes, making for perfect binge-watching. This high-school-based thriller stars Lee Chae Min, Roh Jeong Eui, Kim Jae Won, Lee Won Jung, and Ji Hye Won. Jooshin High School is the most prestigious school in South Korea. The school was established by the […]
Highly-Anticipated Netflix K-Drama Leaves Netizens Hugely Disappointed
The highly-anticipated Netflix K-Drama Hierarchy has left netizens drastically disappointed. The “Hierarchy” poster | Netflix The show premiered on June 7 and followed Kang Ha (Lee Chae Min), who transferred to Jooshin High School, which is the most prestigious school in South Korea. Yet, many of the students are hiding secrets as the gap between rich and […]
Netizens Accuse Netflix Of Being “Salty” After Not Picking Up Popular K-Dramas
Netizens believe Netflix is still salty over missing out on two popular K-Dramas. Netflix is known to be a popular streaming service and international distributor for the most highly rated K-Dramas, such as Squid Game, Crash Landing on You, and Queen of Tears. These titles hold records for highest-rated K-Dramas. “Squid Game” poster “Crash Landing […]
Netizens Believe Netflix Fumbled The Bag And Is Trying To Capitalize Off The Success Of A Popular K-Drama
Netflix is known to be the international distributor for some of the hottest and most highly rated K-Dramas, such as Crash Landing on You and Queen of Tears, which hold the records for tvN‘s highest-rated shows. “Crash Landing on You” poster “Queen of Tears” poster Now, another K-Drama has been pulling in the masses worldwide […]
NFL streaming prices, explained: A complete guide to watching every 2024 game on Amazon, Netflix, & more
As more major television networks and streaming services than ever before are getting a piece of showing live NFL games this upcoming season it will cost the viewer plenty to consume the entire 2024 schedule. The league has made a shift to diversifying where to watch its top out-of-market action, from weekly prime-time packages to […]