When vocalist Baek Jiyoung, the beloved K-Drama soundtrack queen herself, released the music video teaser for her upcoming mini-album Ordinary Grace, fans found themselves feeling quite flustered… Vocalist Baek Jiyoung | @baekzyoung/Instagram …as idol-turned-actress Nana and rising model Chae Jong Seok had their lips locked the whole time. Idol-turned-actress Nana (left) and rising model Chae Jong […]
Nana Gains Attention For Her Tiny Waist And Flat Abs
Nana is making waves with her impressive physique. | @jin_a_nana/Instagram In new Instagram photos, she rocked overalls in a unique way. | @jin_a_nana/Instagram Pairing them with a red crop top, overalls have never been hotter! | @jin_a_nana/Instagram She shows off her tiny waist… | @jin_a_nana/Instagram …from every angle! | @jin_a_nana/Instagram | @jin_a_nana/Instagram Nana looks stunning […]
Actress Nana Goes Viral For Japanese-Like Transformation
Actress Nana has always had a mature and alluring style. During her idol days in After School, Nana’s model-like figure had her front and center for the group’s sexy concepts. Later on, as she transitioned into acting, she took on a more understated and classy style. Nana swapped her blond locks for dark hair and […]