Antonio Moraes, the grandson of a late prominent Brazilian billionaire, was never interested in joining the family-owned conglomerate of construction companies and a bank. Shortly after graduating from college, he founded one of Brazil’s first impact funds, which invested primarily in companies that made healthcare more accessible and affordable. But while attending Stanford University, where […]
Keychron’s K2 HE turns magnets and wood into an affordable mechanical keyboard
The $ 79 K2 has long been one of Keychron’s best-selling mechanical keyboards. As with all of the company’s K-line boards, it offers a relatively no-frills experience, but provides all of the advantages of a mechanical keyboard in an affordable package with a 75% layout (which means you get arrow keys and a row of […]
Cardinals' games most affordable in the NFL for a family of four
Taking in an NFL game in person is a truly wonderful experience. Getting to see all of the heart-stopping action in person is incredible. Feeling the sense of community with the crowd and the electricity in the air during play – there’s just not much like it! It’s a unique experience, and one that is […]
Lhoopa raises $80M to spur more affordable housing in the Philippines
A lack of affordable housing is a growing problem worldwide, even in emerging markets with significant demand. That’s in part because traditional developers and real estate companies focus on serving people looking for luxury houses, and want to avoid the immense operating expenses associated with affordable housing, which eat into gross margins over time. Enter […]
Wazer Pro is making desktop water jetting more affordable
Before Wazer came along, “water jet cutting” and “affordable” didn’t belong in the same sentence. That changed in 2016, when the company launched the world’s first desktop water jet cutter, pre-selling $ 1.3 million worth of units. Fast-forward to today, and Wazer says it has over 3,000 cutters in the field across 60 countries, used […]