Heart Signal 3 contestant Seo Min Jae alleged that Nam Taehyun had threatened to release intimate photos of her to the public.

On June 16, Seo Min Jae wrote on her Brunch account. In the post titled “The Domestic Abuse I’ve Suffered,” Seo Min Jae alleged shocking abuse she suffered from her ex-boyfriend.
I used to love someone. He is the person that taught me that love is when you wish you could suffer in the stead of another person. But I learned that even this person can be abusive.
— Seo Min Jae
According to Seo Min Jae, her ex-boyfriend threatened to release private photos of her to the public.
One day, he contacted me after being drunk. He told me that I had ruined his life because I revealed bad secrets about our relationship. He told me that he was going to ruin my life as well as my family’s. He then told me that I had no idea what he was going to do and sent me private photos of myself that he had previously told me that he had deleted. When I told him that sending me these photos wasn’t going to accomplish anything, he then told me he was going to post it somewhere else.
— Seo Min Jae
Seo Min Jae then hinted at the identity of her ex-boyfriend.
I didn’t think the person that I knew would do this. Someone close to him had gone through something similar and ended up making an extreme decision. This person even wrote a song dedicated to her. I didn’t think someone who was a friend of hers would do something similar.
— Seo Min Jae
Seo Min Jae then revealed that she had previously exposed her ex-boyfriend’s drug abuse and, therefore, decided not to press charges.
Because I am the one who exposed his drug use on my social media accounts, I thought it was understandable that he hated me. Therefore, I decided not to press charges.
— Seo Min Jae
Meanwhile, Seo Min Jae previously revealed on her accounts that she and Nam Taehyun had used methamphetamines. Both idol and the influencer were sentenced to suspended prison terms.
Nam Tae Hyun And Ex-Lover Sentenced For Drug Abuse
Stay tuned for updates.
Source: wikitree