Following their altercation and the subsequent coverage, fans have called for Son Heung Min and Lee Kang In to retire from the South Korean national team.

Before the match against Jordan in the 2024 Asian Cup, Son Heung Min and Lee Kang In were involved in an altercation where Son’s fingers were injured. The team would go on to lose the match, something some blame on Lee’s behavior during the match.
Lee Kang In also apologized for his behavior.
Some discrepancies have led some to believe that the focus was intended to distract from the issues inside the Korean Football Association. Because of the team’s poor performance, many have called for both Jurgen Klinsmann, the team’s coach, but also the Korean Football Association’s president, Chung Mong Gyu.
KFA’s Vice Chairman Lee Seok Jae has called for Klinsminn’s resignation. At the same time, the Korean non-profit organization Public Welfare Committee filed a complaint, accusing Chung of interfering with KFA’s procedures, a crime under Korea’s Criminal Act.

With all the strife inside the organization, some have called for the two players to retire from the team. This is not because of their fight but to make the organization sort itself out with the loss of two star players.
손흥민, 이강인 책임지고 국대 은퇴하자.
클린스만 체제에서 몸 갈아쓰게 하고,
책임회피를 위해 선수를 희생양으로 쓰고 보호할 생각도 안하는 국대를 뭐하러 하나?
잠정 은퇴 선언하고, 축협 회장 바뀌고 감독 바뀌면 그 때 다시 돌아오길.
이게 뭔 개같은 정치질이야.— 방랑자 (@Rewrite_News) February 14, 2024
Son Heung Min, Lee Kang In, take responsibility and just retire from the national team. Why would you be a national player when all they do is make you sacrifice your body under Klinnsman’s system, while they sacrifice their players to avoid responsibility and don’t even think of protecting the players? Hope you guys just announce your retirement, then come back only after they change the KFA chairperson and coach. What f*cked up politic play is this.
— @Rewrite_News/X
Many called for Son Heung Min specifically to retire, as he has dealt with the organization for much longer.
존나 웃기죠 몰카범 입장문 낼 때는 존나 오래 걸리던 협회가 영국 매체? 그것도 더선에서 낸 찌라시 물고 바로 인정하는 게 이런 것 때문에 국대 은퇴 하길 바라는 거임 선수는 모든 걸 다 바쳐서 뛰었는데 대회 떨어지고 비판의 화살 피해보겠다고 그 선수 방패 세우는 꼴이 맞냐
— ໊ (@9ll0708) February 14, 2024
It’s really funny. When the disciplinary committee issues a statement, the association takes a long time, but they quickly acknowledge the trash from the British media? That’s why we hope he retires from the national team. The players give their all on the field, but when they fail in tournaments and face criticism, is it right to use them as shields?
— @9110708/X
손흥민 국대 은퇴를 바랍니다
— 거인의어깨 (@jongy064) February 14, 2024
I hope Son Heung Min retires from the national team.
— @jong064/X
걍 이제는 지긋지긋하다
손흥민이 뭘 더 해줘야함? 솔직히 손흥민 연차에 국대은퇴해도 아쉬울꺼 없음 손흥민 국대은퇴하면 누구 손해인데 그딴 언플짓하고 있음?
지금 누구보다 힘든건 손흥민임.. 애초에 지네가 삽질해서 컵 날려먹은건데 또 손흥민을 앞세워..? 걍 진짜 국대은퇴 했음 좋겠다— 뚀아 (@ttaa0419) February 14, 2024
It’s getting tiresome now. What more does Son Heung Min need to do? Frankly, even if Son Heung Min retires from the national team, there won’t be many regrets. Who loses if Son Heung-min retires from the national team? Why are they doing such negative publicity? Right now, no one is having a harder time than Son Heung Min. They messed up in the first place and lost the cup, now they’re using Son Heung Min as a shield…? I just really wish he would retire from the national team.
— @ttaa0419/X
As netizens question the organization’s motives, only time will tell what the truth of the situation is.